McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller
McONE Active Monitor Controller

McONE Active Monitor Controller

Regular price $599.00
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McONE Active Monitor Controller

A praised name in monitor control renders an impressive active design

The McONE Active is a 10.25" x 6" x 3.25" slanted desktop device that weighs just shy of 4 lbs. It is finished in a white/cream color with black lettering and is capped on each end by thick wood side panels. If your studio furniture is contemporary and you also love to using some vintage gears, putting McONE Active in the studio, It looks like a cross between classic and fashion, It like a custom-made art thing for you.

This is a beautiful-looking and beautiful-sounding box that is well featured, well built, and fills in the midlevel price range well.


A great balance of simplicity and features

It starts with a pair of 3-position rotary switches marked A / B / C. The top switch is labeled Input and the bottom control is the Cue Select. You can send one of three input sources—like your DAW output, a console’s monitor mix, or a portable music player—to a pair of selected studio monitors, as well as to the Cue output, which in turn can feed a headphone distributor or a set of tracking room speakers. A similar 3-position Output switch selects one of three speaker outputs.

Four black latching pushbuttons are next, marked: Mono, Dim (–17 dB), Mute, and Sub (a stereo subwoofer out). Volume control is handled by a large black knob which uses a high quality Alps pot. It is super smooth yet nicely resistant and feels fantastic.


Headphone volume control for the headphone output (on the rear), a top mounted power button and lastly a red momentary push button for talkback, with a small built-in microphone located just above the button. When talkback is engaged, the unit automatically dims and the talkback signal is routed to the Cue outputs.


All inputs and outputs are located on the back in the form of balanced 1/4" TRS sockets. As per the controls above, there are 3 input pairs, 3 speaker output pairs, and a stereo Cue out. There are also a pair for the stereo Subwoofer output, and a single TRS headphone out. See the sidebar for a short list of relevant specs.

Simple to hook up and operation in use

More importantly, the McONE Active sounds fantastic... which, for a monitor controller, means that it does not exhibit a noticeable sound at all! Despite its simple “what you see is what you get” aesthetic, there are a few things to note. Each input and output is a one-at-a- time either/or choice. You cannot choose simultaneous inputs, nor can you have multiple sets of monitors active at the same time (with the notable exception being one set of speakers plus a subwoofer). The Sub out is a simple stereo out. There is no built-in bass management; all crossover and level setting needs to take place on your sub itself.

Headphones and talkback

The headphone output is clear and offers plenty of solid gain. However, the headphone signal is a mirror of the selected input, and you can’t hear the talkback mic in it. That makes it suitable for the engineer in the control room but not for the talent in the tracking room. From a workflow standpoint, The McONE Active is designed so the stereo Cue output feeds a headphone distribution amp or in-ear monitor setup, and the talkback mic does route to the Cue sends. This makes sense and I completely understand why it was designed this way. However, the headphone outs on every other monitor controller I have owned or reviewed usually include the talkback mic in the headphone out mix. I only mention this because it’s not uncommon to track artists in the control room, and it can also be a bit disorienting to not hear one’s own voice in the headphones when giving direction to the talent. Speaking of (or better yet, into) the talkback mic, its gain is settable via a control on the bottom of the unit, and mine came preset at a level that I found both adequate and appropriate. More importantly, you have probably read reviews of monitor controllers and computer interfaces with built-in talkback mics where the reviewer usually uses kind words like “usable”. In other words, most of them are functional, but often tinny-sounding, slightly distorted, and/or distant. The talkback mic on the McONE Active goes well beyond “usable”—it’s the nicest, fullest, clearest, and warmest talkback mic I have ever heard!

The extra switchable stereo sub output and 3 sets of speaker outputs 

The extra switchable stereo sub output is a great addition. When many studios have two sets of nearfields, or near and midfields, as well as a third set of real-world check speakers, McONE with 3 sets of speaker outputs just a perfect fit for you.


The ability to mute the left and right speakers individually

McONE allows you to do mono mix checks on a single speaker.


A phase reverse feature

This would be handy for checking phase issues.


Simple Input Switching

3 stereo 1/4" balanced inputs (accepts unbalanced as well for CD players, iPods etc)

Simple Output Switching

3 stereo 1/4" balanced outputs for three dedicated sets of monitors

Sub Output

Subwoofer dedicated output (with separate off switch to check mixes without it)

Cue Feed

Artist monitor output to feed headphone monitoring system (separate source select, and carries talkback mic signal to artists)

Talkback Mic

Feeds the Cue output, while dimming the speaker outs by -17dB

Powerful Headphone Amp

Caution: Loud and clean audio ahead, for use in the control room to check mixes on headphones

Dim, Mono and Mute

Take full control over the stereo mix, and hear every last detail


Active balanced on all inputs and outputs

Also accepts unbalanced signals from iPods, CD players, etc

Clean, uncolored and detailed audio with uber flat response at all volumes

Table top, ergonomic design is easy to reach for

Cream color with black text is easy to read in dim lighting

Wooden sides bring an old school vintage vibe to your DAW studio

3 Inputs, TRS 1/4” Balanced, Selectable for monitoring or CUE feed

3 Speaker Outputs, TRS 1/4” Balanced for multiple stereo pairs

1 Stereo Subwoofer Output, TRS 1/4” Balanced with on/off switch

1 Stereo CUE output, feed your artist headphone system with three inputs + talkback

1 Headphone output for control room / engineer

Talkback microphone with talkback gain trim access on bottom of unit

Volume pot, high quality ALPS

Headphone amp volume control

MONO summing for checking mixes, affects 3 speaker outs and subwoofer

DIM function, -17dB value (engages during talkback)

MUTE function

Power switch with soft amber glow LED indicator

Universal power supply, auto sensing (standard IEC 3 prong)


  • INPUT: Maximum Input Level +26dBU
  • OUTPUT: Maximum Output Level before clipping +29dBU
  • SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO: @ 0dBu unity gain 120dB
  • CROSSTALK: L/R @ 1kHz -105dBu
  • THD & NOISE: unity gain +24dBu input .005%
  • FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 20Hz*20kHz +/* 0.3dB
  • DIMENSIONS: 10.25”W x 6”D x 3.25”H
  • WEIGHT: 3.55 LBS (1.6 KG)
  • POWER REQUIREMENTS: 12-18V @ 1000mA  (power supply is universal for worldwide use)
